Do Phone Chargers Die? How To Fix Them?
Phones are now an important part of life. It’s not an exaggeration that we can’t imagine our lives without them. The thing that keeps the phone working is its charging via a charger. But sometimes, the charger stops working, and people have no idea whether they are dead or if there is any issue in the port.
So, do phone chargers die?
Phone chargers can die due to improper maintenance, being over-used, if the material in it is inferior, and many other reasons. However, if you take care of the charger, then it can live for a longer period.
But what to do if the charger dies? Don’t worry; I have discussed fixes to this problem in the later part of the Article.
Let’s begin.
Why Do The Phone Chargers Die (Go Bad)?
The phone chargers go bad and die when the battery’s cells can no longer store electrical energy. There are a few fundamental causes that lead to this situation, which are:
Old Age
The reality is that every technology-connected equipment, sadly, has a finite lifespan. If your charger is very old or you have been using it for quite a long time, then there is a chance of it dying.
The efficiency of any device decreases when it gets old. It’s very common. So, when your charger finally dies after years of service, don’t blame it or the manufacturer.

Quality Is Poor
If your charger goes bad more often, it means it is of very poor quality. Cheaper ones are usually made from inferior materials, and they last very short. Sometimes, sellers scam people by selling poor-quality chargers for high prices too.
Therefore, it is better to buy from the company’s official website or from other credible online platforms.
There Is Dirt or Debris In The Charger
Aside from a product’s low quality, another frequent problem is dust or dirt that can clog the charger’s vital connectors. The dust can also fill charging ports, which will affect the charger’s efficiency.
According to Tech Insider, Phones stop charging when there is dust and debris around the charging ports. Therefore, it is crucial to clean them carefully.
Dust on chargers and around charging ports can cause power fluctuations. As a result, the charger won’t be able to charge the phone.
A phone charger can potentially be damaged if it is unplugged and replugged too frequently in a short period of time. This typically occurs when an excessive number of people share a single phone charger in a home.
Also, cables used in chargers are frequently weak and don’t hold up well to use. As a result, if you continually twist the wire while using it, it can break very soon. If you don’t replace them, then consider your charger dead.
Connector Issues
The connectors are the small metal parts that form a link between your phone and the charger. Over time, these tiny connectors can start to wear out.
Every time you insert the charger into your device, you’re applying physical force on them. Sometimes, we also connect the charger incorrectly or use extra force. As a result, the charger and the device won’t be able to “connect” properly.
Power Surges
A power surge is a sudden spike in your home’s electrical current that can cause damage to electronic devices. If a charger is plugged into a socket during a power surge, the sudden increase in electricity can damage the internal components.
Power surges can happen for various reasons, such as lightning strikes or fluctuations in power from your electricity provider. The worst part? No one can predict when a power surge will occur.
Environmental Factors
It’s also important to note that the environment can also impact the charger’s functioning. Chargers are typically made from plastic and metal. These materials don’t respond well to extreme temperatures or moisture.
For example, exposure to high heat can cause the plastic components of a charger to melt. The metal parts can also corrode.
On the other hand, extremely cold temperatures can make the materials become brittle and crack. Both scenarios can lead to charger failure.
Similarly, moisture is a known enemy of electronics. If you put a charger in a humid environment, moisture can seep into it. It can then cause corrosion or short circuits.
Cable Damage
Lastly, the most common reason behind the death of phone chargers is cable damage. The charger cable is subject to frequent bending, twisting, and pulling. Over time, these actions can cause the internal wires to break or fray.
When the wires inside a cable get damaged, the flow of electricity from the charger to your device gets disrupted. This disruption can cause slow charging, intermittent charging, or in severe cases, complete charger failure.
Unlike the other factors, cable damage is often visible. If your charger cable is frayed, you may see cuts or wires coming out.
Now, you know the reasons why phone chargers die. It’s time to know how you can fix them.
What To Do When Phone Chargers Die? Proven Fixes
How to fix a dead phone charger? People also search this query after knowing that their charger has died. There are several things you can do to fix the bad charger problem, which is:
- Inspect important things
- Do the basic fixing stuff
- Replace the wire
- Handling it gently
- Clean out dirt and dust
Inspect Important Things
Inspect the following things before you start any fixing procedure of bad chargers.
- Verify that the outlet is on. Some outlets made in Europe have individual switches. Surge protectors with switches, breaker panels, or light switches may be seen in American homes.
- Make sure to observe the lights. Is the status light on the Mac charger lit up when you’re using it? The same is true for the status lights on laptop chargers and portable battery chargers.
- It is important to examine the charger for any damage. The issue might be caused by bare wires, insulation that has been pulled off of them, or wire shielding. Additionally, plug the cable in before giving it a little wiggle at each end.
Do The Basic Fixing Stuff
When you are done inspecting, follow these basic fixing methods:
- A tripped breaker may need to be reset.
- In addition, always check if the cords are properly attached.
- All of the system’s cables should be unplugged. When you do this, carefully and correctly reconnect all of the cables. Make sure all the connections are secure and precise before reseating.
- Try to Restart the charging apparatus. Rebooting the device helps with charging detection issues because the device controls a big portion of its charging activity. Hopefully, the charger will start charging your mobile again.

Clean Out Dust/Debris
You should also clean any dirt and debris around the charger and on the port. Sometimes, it is this dirt and debris that does not let the current flow to the phone smoothly. As a result, a person feels that the charger has gone bad.
However, be super careful during the cleaning process. Any wrong move can malfunction the charger.
Watch the video to know how to clean properly:
Replace The Wire
If the charger only operates occasionally when you move the cord, the copper wire in the cable is corroded. Replace the wire with a new one if at all possible. But remember, if there are bare or broken wires, don’t try to wriggle the cable at either end. There may be an electrical shock as a result.
Now, let’s discuss another question people ask the most.
When Should You Replace Phone Chargers?
Have you consistently used the same charger for years? It’s simple to become emotionally attached to your original charger, yet you could be unaware of how it damages your device if you don’t replace it after some years.
Here are some obvious indicators that a replacement of the charger may be necessary.
When Wires Are Damaged
Everyone has experienced this at least a few times in their lives. A few months or even weeks after purchasing a brand-new charging cable for your equipment, the wire begins to fray or ceases to function.
That’s not good.
If there is any exposed wire, the cable is past its prime. Furthermore, it is advisable to avoid utilizing the cable as it could endanger your safety by posing a risk of electrical shock. If the cable appears to be in good condition, but the device still won’t charge, check to see if it’s plugged in properly or try a different power outlet.
When Charge Charges Slow
The damaged or broken charging cord is the main reason why the phone charges slowly. If the cable is brand new or in fine condition, the charger might be the issue. By trying it with a different adaptor that works flawlessly, you may determine whether the cable is functioning or not. You will require a new charging adaptor if it functions. Similarly, get a new cable if it doesn’t function.
When USB Port Gets Damaged
Even if it doesn’t often happen, if you frequently remove the cable from the adapter to use it somewhere else, the USB port in the charger may eventually become loose and cause a loose connection. Even if you try a different cable, it might not be able to create a safe and reliable connection and might not be able to charge your phone at all. If so, your best option is to get a brand-new charger, get a portable charger as it works better than wired chargers.
When Charger Is Too Old
You should buy a new charger if the one you are using is old and has stopped working properly. In general, it’s advisable to get a model sold by the company that makes your phone if you want a phone charger that will last the longest. There are high-quality and low-quality third-party chargers on the market, depending on your needs.
How Long Should a Phone Charger Last?
Phone chargers can last up to 5 years. The quality of the charger you are using and how you use it will determine how long it will keep charging properly.
You will be well aware that we do not use the same mobile phone for an eternity. You will eventually need to replace your phone, usually as a result of a number of contributing causes. The same holds true for a phone charger.
When used properly, chargers with extraordinary build quality should endure for several years. A poor-quality phone charger, on the other hand, might only last a few weeks or less. In general, you get what you paid for in terms of quality!

The connections and cable can stop working because of the inferior materials used to make them, even though the main charging device might still be functional. Therefore, wherever feasible, it is strongly advised that you use only genuine or high-quality phone chargers. They can endure for many years, offering you value for your money and preventing the battery in your phone from being harmed by a dubious product!
Final Words
So, do phone chargers die?
Yes, phone chargers can die if you don’t use them properly and neglect their maintenance. Usually, a phone charger can last five years, but it can start going bad quickly if you are not careful.
When the charger dies, you can follow basic fixing stuff, clean any debris, and try changing the wires.
Hopefully, these measures will help your charger work smoothly again.
- Also Read: Why Phone Charging is Stuck At 1 Percent?